I C“Joseph Stella”

I C“Joseph Stella” is in Basilicata region in the south of Italy.

It consists of three department schools – Nursery, Primary, Secondary – located in three different very little towns: Muro Lucano, Pescopagano, Castelgrande. The department interested in the project is located in Pescopagano and its name is “G.Deledda”.

üStudent age: 11 – 14

üStudent number : 43 in “G.Deledda” dpt

üSchool year: September - June

üSchool week : Monday - Saturday / five - six hours a day

üSchool subjects : Italian, History, Geography, Maths, Science, English, French, Art, Music, P.E., Technology, Religion and also a musical instrument

üReports: two, one in January and one in June

üExams: one final exam at the third year

üOther activities: school trips, Maths & sport competitions, musical performances

üSpecial Projects: Erasmus+, eTwinning , National project “Fruit in the schools” to develop healthy eating habits

 Our school is an inclusive school. All students are welcomed in regular classes and are supported to learn and participate in all aspects of the school life.

The students with Special Needs -SEN - are in inclusive classes, with the mainstream students and have support teachers .

For the students with learning disabilities, family and social problems ,teachers prepare individual education plans and have compensatory tools.

It is a musical school too , infact students can play some instruments because as Plato said “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, light to the immagination and life to everything”.





For more information please visit....

School Website

This project was approved and funded with the support of the European Commission. This website reflects only the views of the author/s and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information, contained therein.